When it comes to finding one’s purpose in life, it is always helpful to have others to look up to – those who have discovered their own purpose in life. Such inspiration is even more meaningful when its source is someone you know. My wife is such an inspiration to me.
Amy is a teacher. She is the librarian at the high school where she works. She also is the yearbook advisor and the webmaster for the district website. For this coming school year, she will also be teaching a creative writing class. I’ve met very few individuals who have found such contentment and enjoyment in their work lives.
Does Amy ever have a bad day at work? Absolutely! I’ve heard all the stories about disruptive kids and (sadly) even more disruptive parents. There are bureaucratic hassles and general craziness with which she must deal on a daily basis. However, this never changes the underlying reality that she loves her job. I see it in the way that she spent countless (unpaid) hours this summer preparing for her new class. Not out of a sense of duty or obligation, but with a very recognizable air of excitement.
At times, I give Amy a bit of grief about the fact that she has so much time off in the summer. When she asks me if I would want to trade places with her, however, I think about how I would feel after three months off of work… how much I would fear returning to work after that long of a period off. I know how I feel on Sunday nights after just a weekend off of work. I also know how I feel after just a couple of weeks vacation… the dread of what I have to return to. Amy, however, though she may make the occasional complaint about how quickly the summer passes, is always eager for a new school year to commence. She has, through self-awareness or just simple luck, somehow found a profession that meshes seamlessly with her life purpose.
I am envious.
Where my work life is concerned, one of my greatest desires is to find a job that won’t leave me dreading Monday mornings or looking forward to Friday afternoons. I am confident that such a job exists for me – for all of us – because I’ve seen that it is a reality for others. If you ever waver in your search for your own purpose (and a job to match it) just look around you. I’m sure you will find examples, much as I did, of those who are living life in alignment with their purpose. Just look for those who smile when they talk about their work…
Until next time… Still seeking success,