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Finding Your Purpose – Preview

In my search for my higher purpose, one of my first steps was to look for books that have been written on the subject. One that jumped out at me immediately was Barbara J. Braham’s “Finding Your Purpose.”

Although I’ve only read half of the book so far, I can see that it holds promise. This was made evident to me in one of the opening passages: “Mission, vision, vocation, calling, bliss, meaning, passion—these are just some of the words that have been used to describe our human need to identify and express our purpose. Ultimately, finding your purpose is a spiritual quest. It represents your ability to connect with something greater than yourself. “Why am I here?” goes far deeper than what career is best for you. The remainder of this book will help you look inside yourself for your answers, which is the only place you will find them.”

That last passage rang particularly true for me. Really, where else but within ourselves are we ever going to uncover our true purposes? I already know from personal experience that I can definitely recognize what is NOT my true life’s purpose. Therefore, it stands to reason that the opposite will be the case as well.

In future posts, look for a full book review of Braham’s “Finding Your Purpose.” I look forward to completing her book and to passing along my impressions of her work. So far, it is off to a very strong start.

Until next time… Still seeking success,


Posted in Identifying My Purpose.