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Christmas Every Day!

During the just-completed holiday season, I spent a good deal of time thinking about what makes Christmas special to me. Yes, there is the obvious religious significance – I am definitely a believer. However, in a broader sense, Christmas causes me to reflect on all of the things for which I have to be thankful. That is an important realization for anyone who struggles (as I sometimes do) with a negative outlook on their life and situation.

I’ve found that when I look around me at everything that is right and positive in my life, those things form a powerful counterpoint to the relatively few negatives. I truly am blessed in many ways and I find myself very thankful for those blessings – once I’ve been able to break away from my self-absorbed obsession with the things that I want to change. I’ve often heard it said that one of the keys to a positive attitude is gratitude, but it wasn’t until this past holiday season that the truth behind that saying became evident to me. For some reason, sitting in a midnight, candlelight church service on Christmas eve, this thought became lodged in my mind. Since then, I’ve made a conscious effort to count my blessings more often and I’ve experienced a definite improvement in my overall attitude as a result.

My sincere gratitude for all of the great things in my life doesn’t in any way diminish my desire to change other aspects of my life, however. Rather, reflecting on those blessings that I already have gives me renewed hope and optimism that I will be able to achieve ever greater things in the future. Some of the best things in my life right now are those that I spent years wondering whether I would ever be able to enjoy (a happy marriage is at the top of that list). Knowing that I now have achieved that and so many other positive goals – whether due to my own efforts or to divine providence – makes me realize that the hopes and dreams that I have for the future are just as possible (and in many ways, much easier) to obtain than many of the current blessings that I too often take for granted today.

I therefore have a new resolution for the New Year… Continuously count my blessings, keeping the sense of gratitude and thanksgiving that this Christmas brought me foremost in my mind. Then it truly will be Christmas every day.

Until next time… Still seeking success,


Posted in Inspiration.