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About Me

My name is Mike Wayne. I’ve started this blog to chronicle my search for success. Why have I chosen this forum? Who knows, perhaps some of my discoveries along the way will be useful to someone else. Just as likely, maybe a visitor to this site will have some useful advice to share that I can put to use.

What will you find here? Clearly, “success” is a broad subject. The word means many different things to different people. So I expect that the postings on this site will be relatively wide-ranging as well. From book reviews to random thoughts and insights, my only criteria for publishing a post is that it be focused on some aspect of creating a successful life.

A little about me: I’m in my mid-forties and am married. I have a BS degree in Information Technology and an MBA. I work as a Project Manager in Chicago. I’ve held a number of different jobs throughout my working life, yet have never had a postion that I truly found fulfilling. I haven’t given up, however. That search is one of the key elements of my overall search for success.

One Response

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  1. Marina says

    You have really interesting blog, keep up posting such informative posts!

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